Sherman Free Library, Port Henry, NY, Board Meeting Minutes May 11, 2023

Sherman Free Library

Minutes of Board Meeting held at Sherman Free Library, May 11th, 2023

In Attendance: Sue Nephew, Kris Jarrett, Gail Baker, Vicki Sargent, Janelle Jurkiewicz

Meeting opened at 4:00 pm

Janelle raised the questions what reporting requirements will be to the school if the budget request passes. Will be checked on. 

Motion to accept minutes made by Gail, second by Vicki, passed unanimously.

Sue reported on the successful volunteer day, a great group of folks, done by lunch! Eight volunteers from the wrestling group made a huge difference. All books have been removed from Jackie’s home storage. Flower beds were cleaned up, and trash removed from the basement. Sue also commented on the success of the first two Evening at the Library talks. Kris mentioned that perhaps RSVP’s may be required for future events given the numbers attending. 

Report by Kris J.: Final changes have been made to the state report and final final has been submitted. Kris met with Steve, CEF director, at the library, he was making the rounds of all CEF libraries. Kris made the suggestion that something new needs to be done to replace Horizon as it is very outdated. Steve reported that support for the software had stopped a few years ago, but that now it has restarted, and that could help keep it up to date. 

Patron numbers are decent (see report), Facebook continues to tick upward. The last talk was streamed live with good viewership numbers and questions coming from online viewers. We now have the talks going to YouTube as well. Also have a new InstaGram account, same items posted as on Facebook. 

Kris reported on the digitization efforts and current project to reindex the map case. Planning to go through the Witherbee cases next. Many fantastic items are being found, but lacking context. After indexing research will be done to help fill in the gaps. One of the upcoming Evening at the Library talks will be centered on the ‘rediscovered” historical items in the collection. 

Report included a list of items digitized thus far with the open question of where and how to host these finished files for public access. Work in progress. 

Suggested that Kris get in touch with Joan Daby for more information on collection items without context. 

Kris has been in touch with Taylor Rental in Vermont re: service for generator. Currently they are very busy and will get out when they can. 

Printer: fuser has died, more expensive than new printer. If approved, will order through Amazon. Explored buying through Symquest, not large enough of an account. 

Janelle moves to approve purchase of up to $500,  Gail second, unanimous approval. 

Two researchers working on Mill 7 came in for two days, and lots of good information was passed along. Sue suggested a talk on it, Kris indicated that he would like to schedule that once their report has been finished, perhaps remote with the researchers. Janelle asked if someone local could do the talk now when everyone is interested. Kris suggested that the researchers could do something remote. Sue suggested John Neggie for a WWII talk. 

Kris mentioned that AC units need to be installed, Janelle gave contact information for the correct folks with the town crew. 

Town-wide yard sale will be June 3, which matches up to the Library Crawl event. We will ask donations to be dropped off the Thursday and Friday before. Joe will see to the tables. We will need volunteers. Kris will not be available after the morning. Barbara will be covering the desk. Sale will be 9-12, Library open until 4. 

Kris is looking for ideas on how to mow the lawn. Town as done it in the past, need to ask. Sue will ask Tom or Kris will ask at the AC install. 

Kris has been updating museum and attraction passes. Many have started to charge the library a fee to have a pass, we will skip on those. 

Vote insert will go into the Sun next week. Kris presented the insert flier/letter. Sue mentioned that the bill for the insert will be less than first reported, as we are printing on color paper only not color ink. 

End of report.

Bylaws: Kris asked if we are permitted to hold votes via email. Unknown, should be added to the bylaws. 

Sue mentioned that a quorum is a simple majority and we should look at who is listed on the board and see about removing inactive. 

Bylaws will be reviewed and updated.

Fire protection system: proposal/quote will be emailed to board for review and vote. 

After discussion of the majority needed for a vote, the printer vote was amended to an emergency approval by board president and further approved by treasurer. 

Motion lights for outside were discussed, Janelle mentioned that Tom has offered to do the work to turn the porch light into a motion light. 

Annual appeal will not happen this year due to vote happening and funding coming from that new source. Janelle will remove that line from the budget if the vote passes. 

Are we doing the wine and cheese event? Janelle said that without the Friends Of group that should not happen. Sue would like to do a friendraising event if the vote passes. 

Janelle reports that the state aid check should be coming in soon, it’s enough to cover CEF dues most years. 

Gail asked about how many puzzles we have, too many? Kris is planning to bring a rotating set to the Senior Center. Idea is raised to have a satellite lending library down at the train station as well. Janelle suggested that the campgrounds could be another good location for a remote box. 

Kris and Sue will be on-hand for the day/night of the vote. 

Meeting adjourned and entered a brief unrecorded executive session. 
